اكتشف المستودع الكبير للبيانات الخاصة بمشروع وضع المراة في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا باستخدام أدواتنا الفنية والتقنية الخاصة
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تصفح المكتبة الشاملة لمجموعة واسعة من الرسوم البيانية والإيضاحية
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Freedom to Visit the Doctor - Morocco

Moroccan women were asked whether they could visit their doctor or health care provider without the accompaniment by another person. Most women (65%) say they can go to the doctor by themselves, but a quarter of women say they must be accompanied (figure 13). Because women are the primary caretakers in Morocco and typically escort children to the doctor or hospital, in some cases it may be necessary for women to be accompanied by their husband, e.g., when medical documents need to be signed, or expenses need to be covered.

  • Figure 14 shows that women who speak Arabic  are much more likely than Amazigh speakers to visit the doctor alone (71% of Arabic speakers and 45% of Amazigh speakers). Almost twice as many Amazigh speakers as Arabic speakers are required to be accompanied by somebody when they go to the doctor (41% and 20% respectively).
  • Figure 15 shows that women who are not earning wages are three times as likely as women working for pay to be required to be accompanied when they visit their doctor (27% of women who do not work for pay and 9% of women who work for pay).